Friday, November 19, 2010

Tips on making full use of StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon is a great site for sharing with people from all around the world. All the benefits of using this social media site come from sharing. By sharing good things, we make friends with more people and get to know more about the world we are living in. It’s also becoming a good place for promoting products, service, sites and many other things we want people to know. It’s not sure how many StumbleUpon users there are, but it’s almost sure that the group is big enough to change something.

As a stumbler myself, I and my friends on this site always welcome sharing of amazing things. Even if we do not like sharing something with others, we would not hesitate to give it a thumb up, unless the sharing is really annoying, such as repeated ads, inappropriate content, unsafe sites and some obviously false information. That’s the Tip No. one on using StumbleUpon sharing: never share unwelcomed information. It would be fine for people to read your personal blog, whatever it’s about, but you may take a risk of receiving a thumb down, which rarely happens among most stumblers, if you blog is filled with promoting articles on fake products. Every thumb down has a really strong reason, so please consider if your sharing is of anything helpful or at least no harm before sharing it.

Repeated sharing does not matter if it happens due to system error or memory loss on which friends not yet to receive the sharing. But intended repeating with purpose of promoting products could cause people to unfollow you or tick off to stop receiving your sharing. Do not try to fool people you never meet in person, they are smart enough to distinguish what is of value and what is rubbish. Wrong sharing could only help build your reputation as a spammer or even scammer, and you will find StumbleUpon of no use to your business.

As I say, most stumblers receive and send helpful sharing, so the site has become a really great site to learn a lot of things. Whenever I got stiffed in my writing, I would like to browse the site for fresh information. What I receive from friends or just stumble upon on a random page are always of some value and some of them would work greatly to inspire new ideas. I guess it will work in similar way to other jobs. The wisdom of people is always surprisingly great and it works well to change individual’s way of thinking.

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